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Rolnik notes that the complexity of this projection brings the realization that rather than fighting an illusionary imperial grid, new media cartographies need to rapidly multiply interfaces for accessing and tracing performativity, they need matrices for accessing spatial semantics Rolnik, According to Holmes, the Internet is the vector of a new geography, whose influences exceed virtual space and virtual realities, shape our lives in society, and shift our perceptions along with the ground beneath our feet.

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Thus, the development of new instrumentalities in communication science, political science and education is needed in order to balance the incapacity of our minds, to map the great global multinational and decentred communicational network in which we find ourselves caught as individual subjects.

Accordingly, the maps elaborated by the Bureau dEtude art group can therefore be seen as tools of spatial agency with special interest to promoting an understanding of the highly complex workings of advanced capitalism, a necessary step towards imagining a counter-position and effective resistance.

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How relevant are the network maps and aesthetic cartography for a social pedagogy of the public understanding of space? How relevant is the latter for the public sphere of the network or the new transnational and trans public sphere s?

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How do energy diagrams work? Critical theory in terms of spatial knowledge The early 90s, Jameson coined the term cognitive mapping to argue the necessity to renew the thinking and figuring the spatial dynamics of the global capitalism on the basis of a critique of spatial relations of power.

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Epistemological shifts, pushed forward by the use of sophisticated technical instruments, would arde grasimile grase to be paralleled by the deployment of radically new visual vocabularies, in order to produce a clearer understanding of contemporary symbolic relations social roles, class divides, hierarchies and a fresh capacity for political intervention in the postmodern world.

Jameson stated that only by inventing some as yet unimaginable new mode of representing could we again begin to grasp our positioning as individual and collective subjects and regain a capacity to act and struggle which is at present neutralized by our spatial as well as our social confusion.

In Cognitive Mapping, a text resulted from a discussion at Illinois University inJameson pointed the need for an aesthetics of cognitive mapping to resolve the incapacity of our minds, at least at present, to map the great global multinational and decentered communicational network in which we find ourselves caught as individual subjects.

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He conceived this cartographic aesthetics as a collective pedagogy, whose challenge would be to correlate the abstract knowledge of global realities with the imaginary figures that orient our daily experience. Having such a challenging purpose he developed a complex rationale to advocate 10 a connection between an episthemocritique3 and an aesthetics of space as an appropriate methodology for mapping the transformations that occurs.

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I have tried to describe the first kind of space of classical or market capitalism in terms of a logic of the grid, a reorganization of some older sacred and heterogeneous space into geometrical and Cartesian homogeneity our italicsa space of infinite equivalence and extension of which you can find a kind of dramatic or emblematic shorthand representation in Foucault's book on prisons. The emergence of this kind of space will probably not involve so acute problems of figuration as those we will confront in the later stages of capitalism, since here, for the moment, we witness that the long familiar process generally associated with the Enlightenment, and among them.

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It results that the cartographic aesthetic responds to an urgent need of individuals to regain control over space of flows and to counterbalance its power through mapping. At a distance of several decades, Holmes maintains the argumentation line advocating a pedagogical political culture - which seeks to endow the individual subject with some new heightened sense of its place in the global system, which will necessarily have to respect this now enormously representational dialectics of the postmodern condition and invent radically new forms in order to do it justice The political form of postmodernism if here ever is any will have as its vocation the invention and projection of a global cognitive mapping on a social as well as a spatial scale Holmes, A recent analysis by Robert Tally maps the common points between Jameson and Foucaults theories of space and spatiality and asserts a cartographical imperative for two aspects of major importance: 1 once space and spatial relations can be understood as inherently significant aspects of our being-in-the-world, not just in an abstract sense but also as a visceral sensation felt in our everyday activities our italicsthen it becomes clear that a cartographical imperative animates our actions and interactions in the Lebenswelt.

An aesthetic cartography has to relate the symbolic side of maps and the theoretical sensitivity to the change of scales and the transformations of socio-political patterns, including the politics of representation and instrumentalities that make-sense of global space and spatialisation of technology, finance, economy, migration, the flexible accumulation of capitals, etc.

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Harvey refers also to a "compression of time and space and its consequences including the collapse of value systems embedding the social I use the word 'compression' because a strong case can be made that the history of capitalism has been characterized by speed-up in the pace of life, while so overcoming 3 Tally, jr.

The central value system.

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Another significant rapprochement between Jamesons ideas and Harveys radical geographical analysis of capitalism, consists mainly in a critical engagement with space, a methodological attitude that opposes the positivist approach in geography, the inequities and injustice which affect de facto spaces and societies, a position defended in a series of influential books beginning with Social Justice and The City to Justice, Nature and the Geography of Differenceincluding The condition of Postmodernity 4.

Cognitive mapping as a knowledge factor In The Forms of Capital Bourdieu underlines the importance of two forms of capital-social and cultural capital- that at the time were not included in the economic theories of the accumulation of capital.

He warns that the decentering processes in the late capitalism are produced by the very systems designed to mechanically adjust imbalances missing the cultural aggregator whose lack of understanding in the economic ashley r scădere în greutate tlc have contributed to lingering structural differences and fracture 5.

The social world is accumulated history, and if it is not to be reduced to a discontinuous series of instantaneous mechanical equilibria between agents our italics who are ashley r scădere în greutate tlc as interchangeable particles, one must reintroduce into it the notion of capital and with it, povestiri de pierdere în greutate oa and all its effects Bourdieu, The attempt to apply this concern to digital media analysis leads Matei to a valuable development of the theory of social capital.

He coins the concept of practice capital by extending the concept of social capital that diverse authors Uslaner, Putnam, others have conceptualized in relation to trust as a secret ingredient of both institutional functioning and social action Matei, In a recent study he explores the research significance of the C-Span Video Archive 6 building a distinct perspective on debate as a hortatory social practice that develops a making-sense creative energy, forges new spaces of discussionsconstituting a term with complex connotations in the theory structuration the meta-level ashley r scădere în greutate tlc the network -collecting also data journalism and public affairs into a node of interactions, similar to web of life.

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A social network analysis practice capital approach to enhance the C-Span Archive with meta-communication data to support public affairs debates and data journalism In R.

Browning Ed. Matei, Once the ties are established, you can measure the degree of centrality for each team member, which becomes his or her level of practice capital. More central members have the greatest influence on the practice our italics.

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To a certain extent the practice capital refers to the theory of Sola Price of cores nuclei of preferential connections related to preferential attachment processes Sola Price, but as explained by Matei, it takes into account a form of agency which enhances the participation of members in debates, as an interaction architecture that integrates digital support.

Instead of conclusion we will keep Bourdieus theoretical framework of the accumulation of capital on the one hand and the digital focus on the other. Hence we can reformulate and recontextualize the social capital issue and its transformation in the hybrid field of the network theory.

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Thus, 5. The authors accept that they simplify things but it allows augmenting and performing spatialities we could not imagine before.

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Compared to this instrumental neutral approach in terms of interface of circulation that equates performance in circulation7. In this case 8. The gap between experts and nonexperts is more visible when experts who possess a recognized defining capacity refer to nonexperts in terms of targets, population ,ordinary citizens, while ordinary citizens are expected to assume the role of stakeholders of public policies, a role requiring appropriate abilities to assess, assume or cooperate in sustainable development projects or Egovernance.

These contradictory definitions have to be considered in connection to the dynamics of transformations between social and cultural capital and diverse forms of agency, including multiple humans interacting with multiple automated control agents.

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